Email Marketing

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing Services

Email marketing services can be effectively used by small companies as well as multinationals.

Email Marketing is an extremely effective digital and online marketing strategy for businesses to communicate with their existing customers and reach new customers anywhere in the world. Email marketing converts prospects into customers, and turns one-time buyers into loyal and raving fans. Managed correctly, email marketing is the most efficient, convenient and economical way for businesses to communicate with their existing customers and to reach new customers anywhere in the world.

Email Marketing

Beginners Guide for Email Marketing

Did you know that there are 3x more email accounts than Facebook & Twitter accounts combined? Or that you are 6x more likely to get a click-through from email than Twitter?

As a savvy marketer, you’ve probably seen the reports that show email has the highest ROI of any marketing channel available and you’re probably keen to start using it to drive sales and revenue for your business.

But how exactly do you get started? What are the steps you need to take to get up and running with email and ensure your campaigns are a success?

In this guide, we’ll talk you through the process of getting started with email marketing to help ensure your first campaign is a success.

Email Marketing

Establish your goals

It can be tempting to simply sign up for an email marketing Campaign and start sending your first campaign.

But before jumping in head first, it’s worth taking a minute to think about your goals and what you really want to achieve with email as that will dictate the type of campaigns you send, who you target, the content you include, and how you measure success.

The key to establishing the correct goals for your email marketing initiative is to align them with your company’s wider marketing goals & KPIs. Is the goal to drive new signups for your product? New leads for your sales team? More attendees for your event? More donations for your cause?

Email marketing is the single most powerful channel to reach your audience, and it can be used to achieve a number of different objectives, so it’s worth spending some time thinking about what you want to achieve with it before jumping in.

Planning what you want to achieve with email before you start sending makes it much easier to identify what to send and who to send it to, and helps you create focused, high-performing email campaigns that will achieve your marketing goals.

Email Marketing

Import a list of known contacts

If you plan to use email to keep in touch with existing customers, then your email data sourcing list can be built largely by importing your existing customer’s details into your chosen email marketing tool.

Before you import any contacts though, ensure you have adequate permission to email these subscribers. If you’re not sure, check out our Permissions guide or contact our support team as they’ll be happy to chat with you about permissions and uploading your list.

Email Marketing

Build a new list from scratch

If you plan to use email to communicate with an audience whose email address you might not have yet, then you’ll need to start capturing email addresses and building your list from scratch.

Fortunately for you, there is a 2-part formula for building your email list that is followed by many of the most successful email marketers around. The formula is:

A valuable incentive + simple subscribe opportunities = large email list

While it is a little bit of a simplification, it’s also just logic. Regardless of how many subscribe opportunities you present to a visitor, it’s unlikely they’ll act without a valuable incentive. And no matter how good your incentive is, you still need to make it simple for people to subscribe if you want to get them to join your list.

The real question is, what makes for an amazing incentive? And how can you make subscribing to your list really simple and easy?

While this is covered off in much more detail in our email list building guide, here are some incentives you could use to entice people to join your email list:

Compelling content :–

If you have a blog or produce content on your website, then offering to send your best content to subscribers via email is a powerful incentive for them to join your list.

First order discounts :–

If you sell goods through an online store, then offering people a discount off their first order if they subscribe to your email list is an amazing incentive. Not only does it encourage people to subscribe, but gives them an incentive to purchase as well.

Free or express shipping upgrade :–

Offering free or upgraded shipping on your customers’ purchase is a great incentive to join your list. Not only is this offer highly relevant – particularly when offered during the checkout process – but being able to get a desirable item into their hands quicker is a powerful motivator for people to subscribe.

Furthermore, the other part of the equation is offering numerous, simple subscribe opportunities as this makes it easy for people to opt-in. While the type of subscribe form you use will depend on the incentive you are offering, here are a few ideas:

Email Marketing

Build your email list

Now that you have established your goals and what you want to achieve from email marketing, it’s time to build your email list so you can start sending campaigns that those goals.

There are a couple of different ways you can build your email list, but the right method for each campaign really depends on the goals you establish in Step 1.


Compared with direct mail, the cost advantages of email marketing are obvious as there are no printing or postage costs. A good-quality email marketing campaign typically produces higher response rates than do campaigns using other forms of direct marketing.

A targeted email marketing campaign that is personalized to a particular audience is more likely to increase response rates than mass emailing. You can easily segment your lists using a variety of criteria or interest groups so that your promotions go to the individuals most likely to respond to your offer.

Email is a more effective marketing tool than direct mail. Because the call to action is clear—“Click here to take advantage of this offer” or “Click to learn more about this service”—you can get results from your campaign much faster than with direct mail, which takes weeks to deliver.

Email marketing campaigns can be measured by using web statistics. Creative Honchos offers additional reporting that provides a full breakdown of how the recipients received the email and what actions they took.

Select the Type of Campaigns You Want to Send

There are a number of different types of email campaigns marketers like you can send to subscribers, and the type you choose really depends on the goals you established in Step 1. Let’s take a look at the different types of campaigns and how they can help you achieve your email marketing goals.

An email newsletter is a regularly distributed email campaign that is generally about one main topic of interest.

Customer Air BnB regularly sends a great newsletter to their network of freelance photographers.

As you can see, the campaign is sent monthly and contains content around a particular theme: photography tips & stories.

If your goal is to keep in touch with a list of people you already know (i.e. existing customers), then a newsletter is the perfect type of campaign to send. It will keep your business and your products top of mind and drive people back to your website.

For a deeper look at the key elements to include in your email newsletters, check out our blog post on the anatomy of a perfect email newsletter.

A marketing offer email is essentially any campaign you send with the goal of driving a direct response.

This can take a number of different forms, including:

A campaign showcasing some of the latest stock and encouraging people to purchase.

A campaign offering a discount or special promotion on your products or services.

A great example of a marketing offer campaign is this email from Customer Pizza Hut:

The campaign presents one of their products at a special, promotional price and includes a direct call to action to purchase – the green “Order Now” button.

The marketing offer email is effective if your goal with email is to directly drive sales. It presents a product or discount offer and includes a direct call to action for people to click-through to your website and make a purchase.

An event invitation email is a campaign designed to increase awareness of your event and encourage people to attend.

Here is a great example from Lincoln Motors.

As you can see, the campaign invites subscribers to the launch of the 2016 MKX and contains details on the date, time, and location of the event, as well as information on how to RSVP.

If you’re looking to drive direct sales, then sending marketing offer and announcement campaigns are going to return the best results. However, if you are simply looking to keep your existing customers up-to-date on the latest projects, products, or developments at your company, then sending a regular newsletter is going to be the best way to achieve that.

Create Your First Campaign

Now that you’ve decided on your goals, built a bit of an audience, and selected the type of campaign you’re going to send, it’s time to start building your email.
Email tools, with our drag-and-drop email builder, make it incredibly easy to create beautiful email marketing campaigns, but there are some fundamentals that you should know to make sure you get the best results from each campaign.

Research shows that an adult’s attention span is, on average, eight seconds. With such a short attention span, you can assume people aren’t closely reading your campaigns word for word and are instead scanning through them looking for something of interest.

Therefore, writing long, text-heavy email campaigns isn’t the best approach. You need to structure your emails to help draw people into reading your content while guiding them toward the email’s call to action.

An effective way to do this is by using the inverted pyramid model:

By using the inverted pyramid model to structure your emails for easy reading, you’ll help ensure your campaigns grab people’s attention and get a high click-through rate.

According to research, campaigns that are sent to segmented lists and contain relevant information can achieve up to a 760% increase in revenue from email.

So instead of sending one campaign to everyone, you should segment your lists and send relevant offers and content to each unique segment.

By using features of your Campaign account, like Segments & Dynamic Content, you can ensure your emails are relevant to every one of your subscribers.

It’s likely that your email campaigns aren’t the only interaction your subscribers are having with your business. In fact, your subscribers probably visited your website or social media page to sign up for your email.

Because of this, it’s important that your email campaigns are aligned with the colours, fonts, and branding you use across all your other customer touch points so that your customers have a consistent experience with your brand.

To drive your subscribers to click through from your email campaigns, you must make it as easy as possible for them to do so.

According to our research, 41% of email opens are happening on mobile devices, so if your campaigns aren’t optimized across all devices, then there’s a good chance you’re making it unnecessarily difficult for your subscribers to convert.

Check out our email newsletter as an example:

Because the template is responsive, the middle three sections of content stack on top of each other when viewed on a mobile device. This ensures the text and buttons remain a usable size (as opposed to being shrunk down) and make it effortless for subscribers to convert.

By applying these four fundamentals of high-converting campaigns to your first email, you’ll be able to create and send a campaign that captures subscriber’s attention, presents them relevant information and makes it easy for them to convert, and you’ll ultimately generate better results for your business.

Measure your results

With your first email out the door and starting to get opened and clicked by your subscribers, you’ll be able to start tracking the success of your campaign. There are two places through which you can track the success of your email marketing campaigns: Your email marketing and your website analytics tool (such as Google Analytics). The reports section of your email marketing tool is the place to go to understand how people interacted with your email campaigns. There are a number of reports that can help you do this, but the most commonly used is the Snapshot report. The report presents to you the key metrics of your email marketing campaign, including:

Number of unique opens

The number of unique subscribers who opened your campaign.

Number of bounces

The number of email addresses to which your campaign could not be delivered (for a variety of different reasons).

Number of emails not opened

The number of unique subscribers who did not open your campaign.

Open rate

The percentage of all subscribers who opened your campaign.

Unsubscribe rate

The percentage of people who unsubscribed from your email list through this campaign.

Click-Through Rate

The percentage of people who opened your campaign who then clicked on a link.

Spam complaints

The number (and percentage) of people who marked your campaign as Spam.


The number of people who forwarded your campaign to a friend or shared it via social networks.

Email Marketing FAQ’s

Email marketing may seem straightforward at first, but once you get into the details, it can start to feel overwhelming. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of 21 answers to frequently asked questions about email marketing to help point you in the right direction.

Email marketing is a powerful way for businesses to reach customers directly. By sending information directly into each person’s inbox, you can be sure that your message will be seen. Even if the reader doesn’t open the email, they’ll still see your name and company each time you send an email, so you’re always communicating directly with your audience.

Recent statistics show that email reaches three times more people than Facebook and Twitter combined. That’s a significant difference. Social media marketing is wildly popular, and becoming even more so every day, but with social media sites such as Facebook if you were to make a post for your followers to see, Facebook would only reach a small portion of your users. If you have users opted into your email list everyone on that list will receive that message.

Although it may be tempting, resist the temptation to purchase an email list. Organic growth is the only way to get an email list that will be beneficial to your company. Email service providers won’t allow you to use purchased lists, and the people on those lists aren’t likely to be interested in your products or services since they didn’t opt-in for your specific list, so they’ll also be much more likely to mark your messages as spam.

To grow your email subscriber list, offer your audience an incentive in exchange for signing up. You can put this offer on your site, social media pages and landing pages to get people excited. Just get the word out, and leads will automatically qualify themselves by opting in.

Any type of content that will appeal to your target market and help to boost sales. This may be an eBook, white paper or video, as well as other items such as webinars or coupons.

For some businesses, a newsletter is the best way to communicate with customers. For others, another form of communication may work better. Newsletters usually feature several different pieces of content such as recent blog posts and current specials. But it’s perfectly fine to send an email featuring only one piece of content, or an individual marketing message that speaks directly to your audience’s needs. Experiment with different methods of communication to see what works best for you and your customers.

It’s important to send emails as frequently as possible without overwhelming your subscribers. The frequency with which you send out email campaigns is largely contingent on the niche you are targeting with your marketing efforts.

It’s important to send emails as frequently as possible without overwhelming your subscribers. The frequency with which you send out email campaigns is largely contingent on the niche you are targeting with your marketing efforts.

If you want your emails to be delivered, you need to avoid certain no-nos. For instance, spam filters might flag messages mentioning Viagra, or written in all caps. But the rules are more sophisticated than they used to be, so one or two mistakes probably won’t land you in the spam folder. The best way to avoid it is to write not like a salesperson, but like a friend – the tone of your emails, and even the vocabulary you use, will automatically be different.

A/B testing—also known as split testing—can help you determine which email design works best for your audience. There’s no one right answer, and even though some people swear by the gorgeous, eye-catching images of HTML emails, others maintain that simple text looks best in every email program and is never blocked like an image can be. Once again, it all depends on your particular audience and their preferences.

When writing an email, it is important to keep in mind that the average person spends only 20 seconds reading each message. Before you send your email, be sure that its most important information and links are located at the top of the message so they can be seen without having to scroll down.

The best advice we can give you when it comes to writing marketing emails is to keep in mind the following: The purpose of every email you write is to deepen your relationship with each individual subscriber. That means writing to them as if they were friends or at least real-life people, rather than sounding like a used car salesman.

If you have sufficient resources to write extra content for your subscribers, and if you are able to divide your niche into several different segments, then by all means, segmenting your email list can be a great way to personalize marketing messages.

The open rate and click-through rate are the two most important metrics for email marketing. If your emails aren’t getting opened, subscribers will never see your full marketing message. And if they’re opening them but not clicking through to your site, your emails aren’t converting.

To get subscribers to open your emails, craft a compelling subject line that draws them in. People will be more likely to open an email when they see it in their inbox if the subject line intrigues them.

When writing the subject line for an email, be sure to make it concise and accurate, but also catchy, so that readers are intrigued enough to open the message.

Remarkably, people are more likely to do something if you simply ask them to. By placing a call to action in your email and specifically asking subscribers to “click here” or “shop now,” you’ll see an increase in click-through rate.

The call to action should be clear and simple. It should be in the top portion of the email, for those who do not read all the way through, and again at the end for those who do. It should spell out exactly what you want subscribers to do, such as “Click here to download our report.”

When creating an email signature, be sure to keep subscribers informed of who they are receiving messages from. If your From line features a company name, be sure that it is clear which company you are communicating on behalf of.

Commercial email marketers must include a “unsubscribe” link in each message, as well as their physical address or P.O. Box, and honor any subscriber’s request to unsubscribe. A noncompliance penalty of up to $300 per recipient may be imposed by law enforcement agencies.

If you have the time, resources, and expertise to design your own marketing emails in-house, then by all means do so. But if you’d rather hand those tasks off to an experienced expert who will design and write them for you, then outsourcing is the way to go. If you’d like help with your email marketing efforts, we here at EDS would be happy to oblige! We can help you come up with an effective email marketing strategy, and then execute it for you so all you have to do is sit back and reap the benefits. Contact us today to get started!

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